Wednesday, 11 May 2016

FMGE(MCI Screening) 2013 paper

1.per rectal examination except : int lymph nodes.
2.lesser sciatic except: obturator externus
3.esophagus ; str squamous non keratinized epithelium
4.stapedius muscle: facial
5.spinal cord ends adults : lower border L1
6.lower border scapula :7 wall of axilla except : supra spinatus
8.esophagus:25 cm
9.uterus suppots except: infundibulum
10.left dominance : circumflex
11.littres area :

1.woods lamp except : psoriasis
2.molluscum contagiosum : pox virus
3.Umblicated papule: molluscum contagiosum
4.3ds : pellagra
5.maize: pellagra
6.Tinea captitis (pluckable hair) : griesofulvin
7.Numerous wide spread:lapramatous leprosy
8.dennie line:atopic dermatitis
9.syphilis diagnosed:anti igm ft-abs
10.aconthosis nigricans malignancy : insulin resistance

1.Distant direct ophthalmoscopy: 25 cm
2.myopia:concave lens
3.astigmatism:cylindrical lens
4.arlts line: trachoma
5.Ropy discharge:vernal conjunctivitis
6.pterygium:degeneration of conjunctiva
7.k F ring: Wilson disease
8.manifestation of uveitis:ankylosing spondylitis
9.pthisis bulbi except : intra ocular pressure increase
10.ant uveitis drugs except: pilocarpine
11.vitreous hemorrhage except: iridocyclitis
12.snow flake: diabetic cataract
13:treatment closed glaucoma: laser iridotomy
14.cherry red spot: CRAO
15.marcuss gunn pupil: papillitis
16.disc edema seen : ?
17. Hypopyon: pus
18.main function superior oblique: in-torsion
19.M.C.intra ocular tumor in children: retinoblastoma
20.intracoular calcification: retinoblastoma
21.basal cell ca: lower lid

1.Discharge from single duct : solitory intraductal pailloma
2. Amyloid:medullary ca thyroid
3.medullary ca thyroid except: TSH dependent
4.duodenum ulcer: H pylori
5.Appendices epiploicae site :
6.True abt meckles diverticulum:lined by heterotopic epithelium
7.ureteric coli: x ray KUB
8.smoking associated: urinary bladder ca
9.Bulbar urethra except:Indwelling catheter
10.penis except:pagets is not a premalignant disease
11.undescended testis except: hydrocele
12.Wound of leg 2 hrs:Debrided and sutured primarily
13.Sutures on face removed :5th day
14.delayed wound healing except: hypertension
15.hypochloremia,hypokalemia: pyloric setnosis
16.Edema indicates :4 liters
17.Massive transfusion IC
18.squamous cell ca burns: marjolins ulcer
19.Deep vein thrombosis after: hip injuries for venous ulcer:lower 1/3 leg
21.Lucid interval :extra dural
23.Radical neck dissection except: Internal carotid vein
24.thyroglossal cyst:below hyoid

1.Sedation in icu:propofol
2.ASA: fitness of patient
3.CSF between: archanoid and pia
4.Depolarizing muscle relaxant except: anticholiesterase effect reverse

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