1)Splint used in radial nerve palsy ...cock up splint
2)Splint used in ulnar nerve palsy...knuckle bender splint
3)Splint used in CTEV...DENNIS brown splint
4)Splint used in Perthe's disease...Scottish rite
5)Splint used in brchial plexus injury...aeroplane splint
6)Splint used in scoliosis...boston brace
7)HLA B-27 is present in 90%of patients with Ankylosing spondylitis
8)Ankylosing spondylitis involves...sacroileac joint initially
9)Bridging osteophytes commonly seen...Ankylosing spondylitis
10)Osteochondroma are excise with...periosteum
11)Hallmark of chronic OM...sequesterum
12)Newborn formed in chronic OM is called... involucrum
13)new bone formation in tumor is characterstic of...osteosarcoma
14)the knee has cmmnly varus deformity in...osteoarthritis
15)the knee has cmmnly valgus deformity in...RA
16)ADSON'S SIGN ...cervical rib
17)Rate of regeneration of nerve...1mm/day
18)Winging of scapula...injury to long Thoracic nerve
19)Long Thoracic nerve is also called "nerve ofbell"
20)Dense lamella...cortical bone
21)Loose lamella...spongy bone
22)Longitudinal canal in lamellar...haversion canal
23)Carrying angle measured in extension and disappear on flexion
24)Carrying angle is 11°in males and14°in females
25)Supracondylar fracture extension type95-98%
Flexion type 2-5%
26)Treatment of fracture shaft femur in a child less than 2yr old ......gallow's traction
27)Treatment of fracture shaft femur in adult ....intramedullary nailing
28)Treatment of intertrochanteric #....DHS(dynamic his screw)
29)Cubitus vulgus deformity.....tardy ulnar nerve palsy
30)Non union of a lateral condyl fracture....cubitus vulgur deformity
31)Common complication of Lateral condyl fracture of Humerus....non union
32)Common complication of supracondyl fracture of humerus...malunion
33)Malunion in a supracondyl fracture ....cubitus varus
34)Cubitus varus deformity also called ......gunstock deformity
35)Treatment of gunstock deformity.....French osteotomy
36)Sign of Volkamman's ischaeMia...pain on passive dorsiflexion
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