Thursday, 24 February 2011


. Nephrocalcinosis seen in –Hyper PTH

. 45 year man co vomiting with food mass taken days before,foul smelling breath, occasional dysphagia to solid food. Dx(Zenkers diverticulum, Achalasia, diabetic gastroparesis, scleroderma)

. Severity of mitral stenosis is determined by (diastolic murmur duration, mid DMD, opening snap, intensity of S1)

. Severity of DM assessed by (HbA1C, KB level, RBS)
.Zn def not see n in ( Burns, TB, Renal tubular dse, malabsorption)

. True about Pan coast Tr except(lower lobe Ca, MC adeno Ca)

. Charecteristic of MCTD are all of the following (?except) (CNS involvement, GN, Polyarthritis, Hypocomplimentemia )

. MC CNS involvement in HIV- Dementia

. a –wave in JVP indicates – Atrial systole

. Wide split fixed 2nd sound seen in – ASD

. Anti mitochondrial Ab seen typically in – PBC

. brain death is loss of(brain stem Fx, cortical Fx, spinal refex, corneal reflex)

. H-gge into R internal capsule of aR handed person causes(Aphasia, R hom hemianopia, hemianopsia)

. Spirochets can be identified by all of the follwg(?except) ( Dark field microscopy, Levaditi stain, Fontana stain, Gram stain)

. Dressler’s syn due to- auto immune

. Pinpoint pupil seen in all except(Imipramine, Chlorpromazine, _, None)

. Pt with jaundice and ARF. MI in history except( TCA Rx, sewage worker, Paracetamol poisoning, Drug abuse)

. 45 year man c/o back pain & joint pain. In X-Ray B/L Sacroileitis. Dx. (Ankyl spondylosis, Psoriatic arthritis, RA)

. Not a cause of Cor pulmonale( Mitral stenosis, intermittent PE, COPD, Kyphoscoliosis)

. FAMILIAL bullous dse is equivalent to(Halvey halvey syn, Darrier’s dse, Bullous pemphigus)

. MCC of hypovolemic shock- (H-gge, Gm-ve shock)

. Flapping TREMOR is seen in all except( Thyrotoxicosis, Uraemia, CO2 narkosis, Hepatic failure)

. In hemolytic anemia true except( increased haptoglobulin, BM hyperplasia, Reticulocytosis, increased unconj bilirubin)

. Morphine is given in – LVF

. MCA territory H-gge, not seen is( Aphasia, dysarthria, hemiparesis)

. MI factor determining myocardial O2 consumption ( heart rate, blood volume, cardiac output, myocardial fibre tension)

. Hypotonia seen in all except( anxiety, sleep, shock)

. Typhoid ulcer perforation in – 3rd week

. Normal anion gap acidosis seen in (cholera, DKA, Lactic acidosis)

. pH=7.28,PCO2=70,HCO3=36 Dx (resp acidosis with metabolic alkalosis, resp acidosis with metb acidosis)

. In thalassemia trait(increased HbF & HbA2, increased HbF & decreased HbA2)

. Tetany is not seen in (Verapamil, thyroid Surgery , hyperventilation, malabsorption)

. Down’s Sy is Dx by all except(decreased hcg, increased hcg, decreased AFP)

. 100% O2 not effective in (TOF, DILD, Eosinophilic pneumonia)

. Prophylaxis to a child with RHD should be given minimum till(at least 5 years after onset, life long, till 17 years)

. Carotid massage is effective in- PSVT

. Lung Ca MC assd with(Asbestosis, Silicosis)

. Not premalignant(Crohn’s dse, UC, Leukoplakia, Retinitis pigmentosa)

. Complications of DU except(Malignancy, perforation, bleed, obstruction)

. Not a cutaneous manifestation of TB( LUPUS pernio, LUPUS vulgaris, Erythema nodosum)

. MI in aetiology of CAD- LDL

. MCC of ICH- (HTN, Berry aneurysm)

. Hemodialysis is not effective in( Digoxin , salicylate, methanol, barbiturate poisoning)

. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia seen in – (HUS, HTN, DM , All)

. Post exposure prophylaxis for HIV min for( 6 weeks, 4 weeks, 12 weeks, 8 weeks)

. Vomiting,diarrhea 6 hours after food intake- Staphylococci

. Patient c/o finger stiffness, dysphagia.Dx- Scleroderma

. Hepatorenal syndrome charc by all except( normal intrinsic kidney , low or no proteinuria;_)

. Best marker to assess prognosis after colon Surgery for Ca( CEA, Ca199, Ca125)

. Rx of steroid dependant asthma(long acting B2 agonist, leucotrine antagonist, theophylline, systemic steroid)

. Pretibial myxedema is seen in ( Thyrotoxicosis, myxedema, follicular Ca , Pappilary Ca thyroid

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