Monday, 21 February 2011


. Scaly lesions with frequent bleed around areola. Dx ( Paget’s dse, Ezcema, TB)

. Epithelium in vagina is – squamous

. Colposcopy used to visualize- Cervix

. MC site of ectopic pregnancy,-(ampulla, isthmus, interstitium)

. 43 year lady c/o prolonged and heavy bleed.O/E hyperplasia with no atypia. Rx(Estrogen, Estrogen+ progestogen, Progestron, Hysterectomy)

. In a patient soon after 3rd stage of labour placenta fully came out, but heavy bleed. Tactics; (Massage & oxytocin, IVF, Check for placenta in uterus, check for laceration of labia)

. Painless heavy bleed seen in ( Placenta previa, )

. Hydramnios is complicated by all except( Atonic H-ge, obstructed labour, uterine dysfunction, Placenta abruptio)

. Bacterial vaginosis causes(Pre term labour, abruption placenta, endometritis, Chorioamnionitis)

. Gold standard in Dx of PID( USG, Laparoscopy, Blood leucocyte count, Anti chlamydial Ab)

. LH:FSH ratio increased in – PCOD

. Ovulation coincides with – LH surge

. Exact no of weeks between LMP & EDD- (38, 39, 40 weeks)

. Bishop’s classification is used for-_

. Pregnant lady presnts with fulminant hepatitis. MCC( Hep A, B,C, D)

. Advantages of median episiotomy over mediolateral are all except(H-ge, Healing, pain, extension)

. Active tactics in labour according to –PARTOGRAM

. Investigations to be done in a girl presented with delayed puberty( USG pelvis, FSH, Karyotyping, All)

. Best prognostic factor in breast Ca( LN involvement, age, FAMILIAL history)

. MC presentation( LOA, ROA, LOP, ROP)

. Appropriate investigation of choice in Vesico-ureteric Reflux- MCU

. Not a complication of Pseudo pancreatic cyst(H-ge into cyst, Rupture, Malignancy)

. Pheno cause HEMOLYSIS in all of the follwg except (G6PD def, TB, Alcoholism)

. External ear infections are MC caused by (Pseudomonas, fungi, virus, actinomyces)

. Major site of storage of labile proteins ( liver , skel muscle, endocrine glands, exocrine glands)

. Virus causing Rabies in man is( Street virus, wild virus,--)

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