2011 September exam questions
1. chemoprophylaxis for meningococcal meningitis is?2. doc for PSVT is?
3. how many polar bodies r seen in XXY syndrome?(choices-1,2,3,none).
4. hyaditiform mole,best way of management?
5. in a mammogram,the malignant tissues of the breast appear as?
6. in order to prevent oneself from seeing excess violence shown on the tv,one stops watching the tv ,this is an ex. of?(choices---operant condtng,punishment,etc).
7. inguinal lymphnode metastasis m/c occurs from wotf tumor?(choices-testis,prostate,penile,etc).
8. ischemic heart disease is associated with which type of cholesterol?
9. m/c cause of bleeding from the breast?(this was REALLY CLOSE cuz of the choices (carcinomas,pappiloma,etc).
10. m/c malignancy is seen in which paranasal sinus?
11. m/c opportunistic infection in AIDS is?
12. most reliable evidence of fecal contamination of water is?
13. most serious complication of d fracture of long bones is?
14. -pattern of rash which is not seen in measles is?
15. souther blot technique is used for detection of? Dna
16. WHO - International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 10 year
17. wotf cause serious withdrawal complications?(choices-alcohol,heroin,morphine etc).
18. wotf is not a mature method of defence mechanism?(choices-acting out,projection,adjustment,etc).
19. wotf is seen in patients of hypothyroidism? cold intolrance
20. % of local anasthesuia
21. 0.3 cup disk
22. 1 in month village
23. 10 years ocp
24. 80-90 pressur normal pressue of manual vacuum aspiration performed for MTP is?
25. a -1 anti tripsin---emphsema
26. a feto protein dec. in down syndrome
27. ab collituis c difficule
28. abdominal cramps,diarrohea,vomiting,flushing are seen in which poisoning?arsenic
29. albumin life span
30. aldosteron mc work on c.d
31. alfa rays
32. alkeptonuruia homogentisic
33. amastrigate form bone biopsy
34. anti dna antibody
35. anti tb safe in renal failure
36. aortic volve close at
37. arteriol sheath seen in
38. asherman syndrome----dilation+
39. atropin
40. azygous vain
41. b hcg
42. b1
43. best thyroid test tsh
44. burn pt cardiogenic shock
45. burnning riger lactate
46. ca199 pancreas
47. calori test
48. candida
49. cardial effusin-----ecg
50. cervical neolplasm punch biopsy
51. chalcosis
52. chi square test
53. clitioris
54. co half life
55. co2 abdominal ablation surgery,which gas is used 2 fill the peritoneum?(choices-co2
56. cockup splint is used for?
57. conduct money means wat? Witness
58. culture
59. cushings syndrome suppression test wid low or high dose of dexamethasone
60. delay sosial smaile
61. delusion
62. desendens testis oppration ,2 month
63. diptheria chinese latter
64. disease that is brought from outside of a country is k/a
65. doc dic d dimer assay
66. drug that work without chang acid profile stomach
67. drugs cause torsa de points
68. duptryan contracture mc in -ring finger
69. during hanging by rope,the mark left on the neck is an ex. Of
70. e coli causes all
71. efect on respiratin on cut
72. effect on gastric secretion 70% c
73. endometriosis---- pain 1st symption
74. fassial n supply muscle
75. gastric lavage not usefull in parasitamol
76. glass gloe modrate 10-12
77. gluse co transport na
78. glycemic index
79. gold std for infertility trans vaginal sonography
80. good pasture steroids
81. hand fracture bone scaphoid
82. hand wash
83. hanging cast
84. hba1c
85. hemarrage ist aid pressur
86. heparin ptt
87. high pressur marometer false 10 low
88. horners syndrome,which is not seen n choices were in the form of ipsilateral miosis,anhydrosis etc?
89. house mad knee
90. how many chest compressions per minute 2 b done during cpr
91. hydated dis-livetr
92. hylin rds
93. hypersegmented neutrophil megaloblast anemia
94. hypochlorus
95. hypoglysemic drug- inhbit glu transport in scaltel mussel
96. ie
97. ig
98. im
99. implantation accur at 6,7,8,10 day
100. in mid-day meal the daily protein n crabohydrate provided in terms of fraction of total amount of calories intake
101. intersteial lung dis----hrct
102. iron transporting protein is?(transferring,etc).
103. ist stage dis diagnosis
104. janni suraksha
105. kfd tick
106. koch's postulate is not obeyed by which disease?
107. koplik spot
108. kuppu swami
109. label of harmones Increse fsh
110. ldl hdl ratio 3.5
111. least chance of a scar after which surgery
112. length same mussel
113. live born children
114. lower border of scapula formed by?(T5,T6,T7,T10)
115. lung carcinoma m/c associated with?(choices-asbestosis,silicosis,etc
116. m/c female genital fistula vvf
117. m/c orbital malignancy of childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma
118. m/c source of radiation to the general human population? computter
119. mamory.,emotion,
120. mc hypospadiasis
121. mc s/e maual succsetion hamarrage
122. mc s/e of lscs---utrus palvic organ 6/8
123. mc stone ampula
124. mcc of invertd utrus short cord clum length
125. mcc of ruk ruk kr bleeding--- abortion
126. mesals 14
127. milk 24 hour
128. most infectious stage of malarial parasite spherozoits
129. most reliable evidence of fecal contamination of water is
130. mtp sign bubbel /rough surfess all
131. multiple myloma plasma count >10
132. myoglobinuria is seen in a a pt after wotf mode of injury?(choices-chemical burn,electric shock,etc).
133. nasion
134. neonatal joindice 5th day
135. neonatal joindice caused by
136. non epi --- epi nephrin sam
137. nose u/l plurant discharge with small
138. not a grass root worker
139. not a live vaccine hip b
140. not pre malignanat harnia
141. o2 n hight acomadised hb saturation
142. ocp absolut c/I in --liver dis
143. opsonin
144. pain pain
145. panel
146. parcitamol
147. pcv all except
148. pet scan
149. pig
150. pirl index
151. polio
152. potantionl
153. preg indused htn doc
154. preload after load
155. prevalence of iodine deficiency in a community is best assessed by
156. pummer vision syndrome
157. radio senstive dna/mito
158. radioisotope in teletherapy
159. renal art thrombosis caused by all sle
160. reson of sub arachanaoid hemmorrage
161. rhumatoid arthritis
162. round ligament
163. scabies doc --ivermactin
164. senstivity
165. serum sickness 2
166. sign of aortic regergitation
167. size of the dust that is inhaled n reaches the lung,5 micron size dust
168. skin saved by radeation meltonin
169. sperm gains its motility in which part
170. steroids c/I eye ulser
171. stock n glove neuropathy seen in?
172. syphlis not effectyed testis
173. tanis albo
174. tantative cut susidal
175. testosteron sertoli
176. tichuria not live in small intestine
177. tonsil muscel
178. trachea is displaced to the lateral side in all of the following except?- fibrosis
179. troponin t mayocardial
180. urban center
181. urea sycle
182. urinary tract is lined by which epithelium
183. uti infection e coli
184. vaso contracter
185. village 1.6 km
186. vit k
187. vitiman a xeropthalmia 60 mg 2 dose
188. wegenr's treatment
189. weight hight
190. when a person cannot perform daily life activities which is considered normal for his age,its k/a?disability
191. which structure is related 6 mm upward n backward of the upper punctum of the eye?
192. which worm doesnot infest the small intestine?
193. who milk 6 month
194. wilson dis best screening test kf ring
195. woman gives birth a a child who has rashes on the palmar plantar surfaces,n this woman has a h/o previous still birth.the most likely condition this newborn is having is- pku
196. wotf cause serious withdrawal complications?(choices-alcohol,heroin,morphine etc).
197. wotf is not seen in chikungunya arthritis?
198. wotf placental anomaly is seen most commonly postcaesarean delivery?
199. wrinchoff psycosis
200. yello fever aidies
201. zn deposition
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