Friday, 11 March 2011


. Rural community health centre for(30000,60000,100000,200000) population

. Exclusive breast feeding is recommended by WHO upto( 6, 4, 3, 9 months)

. Patient made to walk early after Surgery , this is to- reduce disability

. Which is secondary prevention(Cx pap smear checking, vaccination , admitting disabled child in special schools)

. Temporary contraceptive method of choice in a 37 yr well educated woman- (Diaphragm, IUCD, mala N, mala D)

. Best protection from STD & Syphilis by – condom

. Method used to compare cost of 2 studies- cost accounting

. Survillance is_

. PQLI includes- IMR, Life expectancy at 1 year, literacy

. Test which detects TRUE NEGATIVE- Specificity

. Disease usually not seen in a country but brought from abroad is – EXOTIC

. Couple protection rate should be – 60%

. Ideal couples are( just married, men 20-40 women 16-45,)

. Fastest population growth in ( India, Kuwait, Pakistan, Srilanka)

. A new drug not prevents a disease but reduce death due to that disease then- PREVALENCE increases

. Socially attained behavior is( culture, custom, socialization_)

. The upper line in growth chart is( 50 , 60, 70, 80 th percentile)

. Who should be trained in a community for house to house surveys

. MI factor deciding results of a clinical trial( Effective randomization, 50% Rx with placebo & 50% with drugs, Inclusion of all age groups, 100% follow up)

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