1. Right heart of the border is formed by ? ans. Svc ivc and right atrium remember NOT right ventricle.
2. Arch of aorta begins and ends at which level--- T2/T3/T4/ans- T4
3. Glomus jugulare is present in ans. Carotid Body.
4. Which of the following is NOT the primary prevention for hypertension? Ans Early diagnosis and treatment
5. Treatment for pleomorphic adenoma? Ans--- Superficial Parotidectomy
6. Villous adenoma presents as ans Hypokalemia
7. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Nephrotic syndrome ans--- Hematuria
8. Looser's zone is present in Multiple myeloma/ Osteomalacia ans Ostemalacia
9. Which element is present in Phosphofrucktokinase---- ans--- Magnesium
10. Lucid interval is present in ans--- Extradural hematoma
11. Which of the following is false about Wilm's tumor A. presents before the age of 5 years B. mostly presents as Abdominal Mass C. spreads mostly by Lymphatics ans--- C
12. Sudden hypocalcemia results in ans Tetany
13. Subconjuctival hemorrhages are seen in ans Pertussis
14. Lacunar cells in which type of Hodgkins Lymphoma ans---Nodular Type
15. Basic pathology for renal rickets ans--- vitamin D malabsorption in intestinal cells
16. Antibodies diagnostic for SLE ans anti ds DNA
17. Esotropia seen in ans Uncrossed Diplopia
18. Graveâ€s Ophthalmopathy mostly presents as ans--- Proptosis
19. The most common cause of maternal mortality in india ans heamorrhage
20. MMR is shown as ans per lac LIVE BIRTHS
21. Early neonatal mortality doesNOT include ans--- Post neonatal mortality
22. Methionine are defecient in ans--- Pulses
23. Normal requirement of Iron during pregnancy? 2000/1500 not knowing the units as well as answer but the options were like this.
24. Gower's sign is seen in ans--- Duchhene Muscular Dystrophy
25. Tuberculosis in Pott's disease involves what ans-- Spine
26. Munro micro abscesses and Auspitz sign are seen in ans--- Psoriasis
27. Wimbergerâ€s sign seen in ans--- Scurvy
28. cAMP is seen in Clostridium tetani/ Clostridium difficle/ Clostridium novyi/ and fourth option also was a subtype of clostridium ans--- Clostridium perfringens
29. Technique used for RNA ans Northern Blotting
30. Christmas disease is due to deficiency of ans Defeciency of factor 9
31. Wincham's striae is seen in Lichen planus/ Psoriasis ans Lichen Planus
32. Day care anesathesia done by ans--- Propofol
33. Substance used in Teletherapy Cesium/ Iridium ans--- Cesium
34. Material used for detection of bone metastasis ans Tc99m
35. Which of the following does NOT present with hemoptysis Mitral stenosis/ Acute pulmonary oedema ans Acute pulmonary oedema
36. Malignant intraocular tumor of children Retinoblastoma/ Rhabdomyosarcoma ans--- Retinoblastoma
37. Which of the following is NOT seen in CRF? Ans Hypophosphatemia
38. VDRL is what type of test ans Slide flocculation test
39. Heterophile reaction is seen in ans Weil Felix Reaction
40. Chalcosis is deposition of ans Copper
41. Early feature of Diabetic Retinopathy ans Microaneurysms
42. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Red Infarction Venous occlusion/ Occurs in organs having dual circulation/ Occurs in solid organs ans--- Occurs in solid organs
43. Hirsutism is caused by ans------ Phenytoin
44. Gynacomastia is caused by ans--- ?
45. Which drug is NOT given in pregnancy ans ACE Inhibitors
46. Arsenic poisoning mimics which disease Acute cholecystitis/ Acute gastroenteritis/?/? ans---?
47. Earliest immunoglobulin to be synthesized by foetus ans IgM
48. Avascular necrosis occurs in ans Talus remember avascular necrosis occurs in Femur, Scaphoid, Talus and Lunate
49. Workers working in Textile Industry suffer from ans Bysinossis
50. ESI act does NOT cover Hotels/ Transpoters/ Railway/ Factory ans Railway
51. PERT is a type of ans Network output analysis
52. Which is the indicator of water pollution ans E coli
53. Hallucinations NOT a feature ans Always pathological
54. SINGLE drug treatment for trachoma --- Tetracyclin/ Doxycycline/ Azithromycin Doxycycline
55. Sinus NOT present at birth Sphenoidal/ Frontal/ Maxillary ans--?
56. Diagnosis of Interstitial lung disease done by ans HRCT
57. Charecteristic of type2 respiratory failue ans Low Pa oxygen and High Pa carbon dioxide
58. Mechanism of action of Cyanide ans--- Blocks Cytochrome enzyme P- 450
59. No Sweating occurs in ans--- Heat Stroke
60. Buerger's disease involves ans---- Arteries, Veins and Nerves
61. Measure for Long term measurement Height for age/ Weight for age ans--- Height for age
62. Heller's Operation is done in ans--- Achalasia Cardia
63. Psedomembranous colitis is caused by ans Clostridium difficle
64. Folic acid is given during which trimester of pregnancy first/ second/ third/ puerperium ans--- First
65. Juvenile age is ?
66. Whats is Incidence Rate ans It represents the no. of new cases in the community
67. Child age is 3 years he has how many teeths ans-- ?
68. NOT a part of Lochia rubra( Obs question) --- Blood cells/Decidua/ Platelets¦. Ans---?
69. Which of the is NOT true about carbimazole ans--- Safely used in pregnancy
70. Adipocytes use which of following GLUT1/2/3/4 ans--- GLUT4
71. Which is feature of Irreversible cell injury ans--- Swelling of Mitochondria
72. Which is involved in transport in Mitochondria ans--- Carnitine
73. Least mode of transmission in HIV ans--- Sexual Intercourse(0.1-1.0 %)
74. According to census 2001 the urban population of india ans---27.4%
75. Platelets are stored at what temperature ans--- 4 degree celsius
76. What area does palmar surface of hand represents in body surface are 1%/2%/3%/4% ans 1%
77. For shock patient best to check for administering fluid therapy ans--- Central Venous Pressure
78. Misoprostol is CONTRAINDICATED in not remembering options
79. Case related to Psychiatry ans Hypochondriasis
80. Cellulitis is caused by Staph/ Streptococcus/ Klebsiella ans--- Streptococcus
81. Lobar pneumonia is caused by ans--- Streptococcus pnuemoniae
82. Codons are present in mRNA/ tRNA ans--- mRNA
83. Swine Flu caused in 2009 was due to H1N1/H5N1 ans H1N1
84. Most common cancer WORLDWIDE Lung/ Breast/ Cervix/ Oral Cavity ans--- Lung Cancer
85. Drug of choice in PSVT Adenosine/ Verapamil ans Adenosine(Verapamil is 2nd DOC)
86. First sign of Sexual maturity in BOYS Increase in height/ Increase in facial hairs ans--- Increase in Facial hairs
87. Definition of Blindness ans--- Visual acuity less than 1/60 (Visual acuity less than 3/60 was NOT given in options)
88. Question related to reflexes of Ambiguous Nucleus NOT seen is ans--- JAW REFLEX.
89. Beta2 adrenergic receptors does NOT act on which of the following ans--- Adipose Tissu
90. Which of the following diseases is NOT under WHO regulation Wild Poliomyelitis/SARS/Human Influenza/ Cholera ans----- SARS
91. In which of the following interpretation is done in Results Achieved ans---- Cost Effectivenes
92. One question related to following are NOT feature of COST ACCOUNTING( SPM question)
93. First to appear in Anemia ans---- RETICULOCYTOSIS
94. First symptom of anemia Hypochromia/ Microcytic ans--- Microcytic
95. Teratogenic effects has NOT been seen with HIV/ Rubella/ CMV/ Varicella ans--- HIV
96. Nevirapine belongs to ans NNRTI( Non Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor).
97. Cherry red spot is seen in CRVO/ CRAO ansCRAO
98 . Treatment of hypercholestremia Thiamine/Biotin/Pyridoxine/Vitamin B12 It was also some name of vitamin ans-----Vitamin B12
99. Hartnup's disease is due to deficiency of Phenyalanine/ Homogentisate ans------ Phenylalanine
100. Purine metabolism end product is ans---- Uric Acid
101. Defect seen in Vitiligo not remembering options
102. Flouride ions inhibit ans--- Enolase
103. Pneumatocele is caused by ans--- Staphylococcus
104. What is epiphora ans--- Abnormal flow of tears.
105. What is Peau de orange ( Surgery ques. From breast chapter) ans--- Occurs due to lymphatic obstruction.
106. Earliest marker to rise in MI ans--- CPK-MB
107. In Dengue hemorrhagic fever, torniquest test is done for diagnosis presence of how many no. of petechieas necessary 5/10/15/20 ans---20
108. Poliomyelitis is diagnosed by ans. Isolation of virus in stool
109. Wernicke"s disease is caused due to defeciency of ans. Vitamin B1
110. Traveller"s diarrohea is caused by ans. ETEC
111. Keratometer measures ans--- Curvature of cornea
112. Rape is defined under IPC375/376/377/378 ans---IPC375
113. Child of 2 years with mental age of 10years, what is his IQ 20%/ 30%/ 50%/ 70% ans 20%
114. Xanthine Oxidase requires Zinc/ Copper/ Iron/ Molybdenum ans--- Molybdenum
115. 8 sign in CXR seen in ans--- TAPVC
116. Allenâ€s test done for ans Ulnar artery patency
117. Aspirin mechanism of action ans---- Irreversibly inhibits COX
118. Reversed cold chain used for AIIMS QUESTION not remembering the options as well as answer
119. Autosplenectomy seen in ans Sickle Cell Anemia
120. Cobra venom is ans Neurotoxic
121. ECG changes in Hyperkalemia ans--- Peaked T waves
122. LH surge time duration ans 24 hours
123. Most common site of Volvulus ans Sigmoid Colon
125. Hepatitis E more common in ans--- Pregnancy
126. Most common lung cancer in non-smokers ans Adenocarcinoma
127. Incubation period of Rabies depends on ans--- Depends on site of bite.
128. Content of Anatomical Snuff Box Anterior interosseous artery/ Posterior interosseous artery/ Radial artery ans Radial Artery
129. Anti TB drug being least Hepatotoxic Rifampicin/ Streptomycin ans--- Streptomycin
130. Which of the following does NOT have any cycloplegic and mydriatic effect ans Pilocarpine
131. Cycloplegics are used for treatment of Angle closure glaucoma/ Closed angle glaucoma/ Iritis ans--- Iritis
132. Oschner-Sherren regimen used in ans Appendicular Lump
Appendicular abscess
Appendicular lump
133. Certificate of vaccination of Yellow Fever is valid for ___ years ans 10
134. Which of the following is NOT symptom of defeciency vitamin A ans Polyneuropathy
Night blindness
Follicular hyperkeratosis
135. Safety muscle of Tongue ans Genioglossus
136. In visual pathway, ganglion cells are ans--- 2nd order neuron
1st order neuron
2nd order neuron
137. Mechanism of action of Telmisartan ans---- Angiotensin 2 receptor antagonist
Blocks AT1 receptors
Angiotensin 2 receptor antagonist
138. Predisposing factors for Carcinoma of penis are all except ans--- Papilloma
Pagets disease
139. Fetal adrenals predominantly secrete ans---- Cortisone
140. Which muscle helps in opening Eustachian tube ans---- Inferior Turbinate
Inferior turbinate
Superior turbinate
Middle turbinate
141. Which of the following is used in Teletherapy ans--- Cesium( Iridiu NOT used in teletherapy)
142. Calorie test activates what ans--- lateral NOT remembering exact otions but answer was this as it was being asked from old papers of MCI
143. HCG during pregnancy doubles at ans--- 60-70 days
144. Most common donor for a transplant ans--- Identical twin
Identical twin
145. Pschiatry case related to Acute Psychosis
146. Case on Medicine---- A woman has been Coronary artery disease when opened found gall stones. Earlier mo history of pain and jaundice. Treatment--- ans--- ?
147. Metoprolol is preffered over Propanolol why? ans---- Doesnot blocks alpha receptors.
Has negative cholinergic action
Has negative inotropic action
Doesnot blocks beta receptors
Doesnot blocks alpha receptors
148. Benign prostatic hypertrophy is associated with ans—Median lobe
Median lobe
Posterior lobe
Periurethral surface
149. Cushing disease seen as a Paraneoplastic syndrome in ans---- Small cell lung carcinoma
150. Gastric lavage is contraindicated in ans--- Organophosphorus Poisoning
151. Illness criteria done by ans--- APACHE
152. Lower GI bleeding most common cause in india ans--- ?
153. Which of the following is NOT a feature of megaloblastic anemia ans---- Heinz Bodies
Macro ovalocyte
Heinz bodies
154. Most common symptom for Mountain sickness ans-- Headache
155. In nephrotic syndrome what infection is more common in children ans--- ?
156. What is Neurapraxia ans--- Defect in nerve conduction only
157. What are side effects of OCP except ans--- Ovarian Tumor
Breast Carcinoma
Ovarian tumor
Liver disease
158. Sjogren's syndrome all are true except
Keratoconjuctivitis sicca
Rheumatoid arthritis
159. Peyer's patches are present in ans---- Ileum
160. Features of Diffuse axon injury options were related to hours of lost consciousness and some some more also
161. Wood's lamp is NOT used for there 2 options related to subtypes of tinea ONE of them was the answer please confirm from book
162. Best method to prevent infection in a ward ans--- Proper hand washing
163. Features of Bacterial Vaginosis except ans--- Increased lactobacillus
clue cells
Increased lactobacillus
164. Which of the following DONOT inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis ans---- Amikacin
165. Which of the following has opsonins on its surface ans---- IgG
166. Free friable soft vegetations are seen in ans--- Rheumatic Fever
Infective endocartitis
Libman sack's endocartitis
Rheumatic fever
167. Triple arthrodesis doesNOT involve ans---- Tibiotalar
168. One question related to Housemaidâ€s Knee ( Ortho ques.)
169. Pemphigoid types all are autoimmune except ans--- ?
170. Side effects of glucocorticoids are all except ans---- Hyperkalema
Proximal myopathy
171. Sudden loss of vision occurs in Diabetic Retinopathy reason ans---- Vitreous Hemorrhage
172. Tb bone disease spreads by ans--- All of the above.
Direct spread
All of the above
173. Sulfonyl urea drug mechanism of action are all except
174. Pulsus paradoxus is seen in ans--- Severe COPD
175. Rabies vaccine is prepared from which ans Fixed Virus
176. Hyponatremia is seen in all except CCF/ Nephrotic syndrome ans--- Nephrotic Syndrome
177. Which of the following is true ( Physio ques.)
178. Lens develop from ans--- Surface ectoderm
179. Chronic inflammation of Meiobian Gland is seen in
External hordeolum
Internal hordeolum
180. Crew cut hair on end appearance on skull X ray seen in ans--- Beta thalassemia
Beta thalassemia
Sickle cell anemia
181. Kussmaul's sign is NOT seen in ans Cardiac tamponade
182. Most common location of appendix ans--- Retrocaecal
183. HCG is secreted by ans--- Syncytiotrophoblast
184. What is Rhinophyoma ans--- Hypertrophy of sebaceous glands.
185. Not a screening test for Carcinoma of breast ans---- FNAC
self Examination
186. Drug NOT used in glaucoma ans--- Metoprolol
187. Sweating occurs due to ans Cholinergic Action
Cholinergic Action
Anti- cholinergic Action
188. Menstrual regulation is done upto ans 42 days of Amenorrhea
189. NOT a feature of occulomotor palsy ans--- Proptosis
190. There was a question related to Triple glass test of urine done and in first glass test there is beaded appearance seen What is diagnosis ans Urethritis
191. In a burn patient what type of fluid is given ans--- Ringer's Lactate
Normal Saline
Ringer's Lactate
ans--- Ringerâ€s Lactate
192. features seen in dengue hemorrhagic fever are all except
193. Alzehemeir's disease pathology Defeciency of cholinergic action/ Excess action of dopamine ans--- Excess action of dopamine
194. How is diagnosis of Vesicoureteral Reflux done ans--- Micturating cystourethrogram
195. Breast milk is produced from ans--- ?
196. Breast carcinoma most common type ans--- ?
197. Carrier state NOT seen in which infection
198 . Investigation of choice in Cerebral calcification ans CT Scan
199. Confirmatory test for Primary Syphilis VDRL/ TPI ans--- ?
2. Arch of aorta begins and ends at which level--- T2/T3/T4/ans- T4
3. Glomus jugulare is present in ans. Carotid Body.
4. Which of the following is NOT the primary prevention for hypertension? Ans Early diagnosis and treatment
5. Treatment for pleomorphic adenoma? Ans--- Superficial Parotidectomy
6. Villous adenoma presents as ans Hypokalemia
7. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Nephrotic syndrome ans--- Hematuria
8. Looser's zone is present in Multiple myeloma/ Osteomalacia ans Ostemalacia
9. Which element is present in Phosphofrucktokinase---- ans--- Magnesium
10. Lucid interval is present in ans--- Extradural hematoma
11. Which of the following is false about Wilm's tumor A. presents before the age of 5 years B. mostly presents as Abdominal Mass C. spreads mostly by Lymphatics ans--- C
12. Sudden hypocalcemia results in ans Tetany
13. Subconjuctival hemorrhages are seen in ans Pertussis
14. Lacunar cells in which type of Hodgkins Lymphoma ans---Nodular Type
15. Basic pathology for renal rickets ans--- vitamin D malabsorption in intestinal cells
16. Antibodies diagnostic for SLE ans anti ds DNA
17. Esotropia seen in ans Uncrossed Diplopia
18. Graveâ€s Ophthalmopathy mostly presents as ans--- Proptosis
19. The most common cause of maternal mortality in india ans heamorrhage
20. MMR is shown as ans per lac LIVE BIRTHS
21. Early neonatal mortality doesNOT include ans--- Post neonatal mortality
22. Methionine are defecient in ans--- Pulses
23. Normal requirement of Iron during pregnancy? 2000/1500 not knowing the units as well as answer but the options were like this.
24. Gower's sign is seen in ans--- Duchhene Muscular Dystrophy
25. Tuberculosis in Pott's disease involves what ans-- Spine
26. Munro micro abscesses and Auspitz sign are seen in ans--- Psoriasis
27. Wimbergerâ€s sign seen in ans--- Scurvy
28. cAMP is seen in Clostridium tetani/ Clostridium difficle/ Clostridium novyi/ and fourth option also was a subtype of clostridium ans--- Clostridium perfringens
29. Technique used for RNA ans Northern Blotting
30. Christmas disease is due to deficiency of ans Defeciency of factor 9
31. Wincham's striae is seen in Lichen planus/ Psoriasis ans Lichen Planus
32. Day care anesathesia done by ans--- Propofol
33. Substance used in Teletherapy Cesium/ Iridium ans--- Cesium
34. Material used for detection of bone metastasis ans Tc99m
35. Which of the following does NOT present with hemoptysis Mitral stenosis/ Acute pulmonary oedema ans Acute pulmonary oedema
36. Malignant intraocular tumor of children Retinoblastoma/ Rhabdomyosarcoma ans--- Retinoblastoma
37. Which of the following is NOT seen in CRF? Ans Hypophosphatemia
38. VDRL is what type of test ans Slide flocculation test
39. Heterophile reaction is seen in ans Weil Felix Reaction
40. Chalcosis is deposition of ans Copper
41. Early feature of Diabetic Retinopathy ans Microaneurysms
42. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Red Infarction Venous occlusion/ Occurs in organs having dual circulation/ Occurs in solid organs ans--- Occurs in solid organs
43. Hirsutism is caused by ans------ Phenytoin
44. Gynacomastia is caused by ans--- ?
45. Which drug is NOT given in pregnancy ans ACE Inhibitors
46. Arsenic poisoning mimics which disease Acute cholecystitis/ Acute gastroenteritis/?/? ans---?
47. Earliest immunoglobulin to be synthesized by foetus ans IgM
48. Avascular necrosis occurs in ans Talus remember avascular necrosis occurs in Femur, Scaphoid, Talus and Lunate
49. Workers working in Textile Industry suffer from ans Bysinossis
50. ESI act does NOT cover Hotels/ Transpoters/ Railway/ Factory ans Railway
51. PERT is a type of ans Network output analysis
52. Which is the indicator of water pollution ans E coli
53. Hallucinations NOT a feature ans Always pathological
54. SINGLE drug treatment for trachoma --- Tetracyclin/ Doxycycline/ Azithromycin Doxycycline
55. Sinus NOT present at birth Sphenoidal/ Frontal/ Maxillary ans--?
56. Diagnosis of Interstitial lung disease done by ans HRCT
57. Charecteristic of type2 respiratory failue ans Low Pa oxygen and High Pa carbon dioxide
58. Mechanism of action of Cyanide ans--- Blocks Cytochrome enzyme P- 450
59. No Sweating occurs in ans--- Heat Stroke
60. Buerger's disease involves ans---- Arteries, Veins and Nerves
61. Measure for Long term measurement Height for age/ Weight for age ans--- Height for age
62. Heller's Operation is done in ans--- Achalasia Cardia
63. Psedomembranous colitis is caused by ans Clostridium difficle
64. Folic acid is given during which trimester of pregnancy first/ second/ third/ puerperium ans--- First
65. Juvenile age is ?
66. Whats is Incidence Rate ans It represents the no. of new cases in the community
67. Child age is 3 years he has how many teeths ans-- ?
68. NOT a part of Lochia rubra( Obs question) --- Blood cells/Decidua/ Platelets¦. Ans---?
69. Which of the is NOT true about carbimazole ans--- Safely used in pregnancy
70. Adipocytes use which of following GLUT1/2/3/4 ans--- GLUT4
71. Which is feature of Irreversible cell injury ans--- Swelling of Mitochondria
72. Which is involved in transport in Mitochondria ans--- Carnitine
73. Least mode of transmission in HIV ans--- Sexual Intercourse(0.1-1.0 %)
74. According to census 2001 the urban population of india ans---27.4%
75. Platelets are stored at what temperature ans--- 4 degree celsius
76. What area does palmar surface of hand represents in body surface are 1%/2%/3%/4% ans 1%
77. For shock patient best to check for administering fluid therapy ans--- Central Venous Pressure
78. Misoprostol is CONTRAINDICATED in not remembering options
79. Case related to Psychiatry ans Hypochondriasis
80. Cellulitis is caused by Staph/ Streptococcus/ Klebsiella ans--- Streptococcus
81. Lobar pneumonia is caused by ans--- Streptococcus pnuemoniae
82. Codons are present in mRNA/ tRNA ans--- mRNA
83. Swine Flu caused in 2009 was due to H1N1/H5N1 ans H1N1
84. Most common cancer WORLDWIDE Lung/ Breast/ Cervix/ Oral Cavity ans--- Lung Cancer
85. Drug of choice in PSVT Adenosine/ Verapamil ans Adenosine(Verapamil is 2nd DOC)
86. First sign of Sexual maturity in BOYS Increase in height/ Increase in facial hairs ans--- Increase in Facial hairs
87. Definition of Blindness ans--- Visual acuity less than 1/60 (Visual acuity less than 3/60 was NOT given in options)
88. Question related to reflexes of Ambiguous Nucleus NOT seen is ans--- JAW REFLEX.
89. Beta2 adrenergic receptors does NOT act on which of the following ans--- Adipose Tissu
90. Which of the following diseases is NOT under WHO regulation Wild Poliomyelitis/SARS/Human Influenza/ Cholera ans----- SARS
91. In which of the following interpretation is done in Results Achieved ans---- Cost Effectivenes
92. One question related to following are NOT feature of COST ACCOUNTING( SPM question)
93. First to appear in Anemia ans---- RETICULOCYTOSIS
94. First symptom of anemia Hypochromia/ Microcytic ans--- Microcytic
95. Teratogenic effects has NOT been seen with HIV/ Rubella/ CMV/ Varicella ans--- HIV
96. Nevirapine belongs to ans NNRTI( Non Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor).
97. Cherry red spot is seen in CRVO/ CRAO ansCRAO
98 . Treatment of hypercholestremia Thiamine/Biotin/Pyridoxine/Vitamin B12 It was also some name of vitamin ans-----Vitamin B12
99. Hartnup's disease is due to deficiency of Phenyalanine/ Homogentisate ans------ Phenylalanine
100. Purine metabolism end product is ans---- Uric Acid
101. Defect seen in Vitiligo not remembering options
102. Flouride ions inhibit ans--- Enolase
103. Pneumatocele is caused by ans--- Staphylococcus
104. What is epiphora ans--- Abnormal flow of tears.
105. What is Peau de orange ( Surgery ques. From breast chapter) ans--- Occurs due to lymphatic obstruction.
106. Earliest marker to rise in MI ans--- CPK-MB
107. In Dengue hemorrhagic fever, torniquest test is done for diagnosis presence of how many no. of petechieas necessary 5/10/15/20 ans---20
108. Poliomyelitis is diagnosed by ans. Isolation of virus in stool
109. Wernicke"s disease is caused due to defeciency of ans. Vitamin B1
110. Traveller"s diarrohea is caused by ans. ETEC
111. Keratometer measures ans--- Curvature of cornea
112. Rape is defined under IPC375/376/377/378 ans---IPC375
113. Child of 2 years with mental age of 10years, what is his IQ 20%/ 30%/ 50%/ 70% ans 20%
114. Xanthine Oxidase requires Zinc/ Copper/ Iron/ Molybdenum ans--- Molybdenum
115. 8 sign in CXR seen in ans--- TAPVC
116. Allenâ€s test done for ans Ulnar artery patency
117. Aspirin mechanism of action ans---- Irreversibly inhibits COX
118. Reversed cold chain used for AIIMS QUESTION not remembering the options as well as answer
119. Autosplenectomy seen in ans Sickle Cell Anemia
120. Cobra venom is ans Neurotoxic
121. ECG changes in Hyperkalemia ans--- Peaked T waves
122. LH surge time duration ans 24 hours
123. Most common site of Volvulus ans Sigmoid Colon
125. Hepatitis E more common in ans--- Pregnancy
126. Most common lung cancer in non-smokers ans Adenocarcinoma
127. Incubation period of Rabies depends on ans--- Depends on site of bite.
128. Content of Anatomical Snuff Box Anterior interosseous artery/ Posterior interosseous artery/ Radial artery ans Radial Artery
129. Anti TB drug being least Hepatotoxic Rifampicin/ Streptomycin ans--- Streptomycin
130. Which of the following does NOT have any cycloplegic and mydriatic effect ans Pilocarpine
131. Cycloplegics are used for treatment of Angle closure glaucoma/ Closed angle glaucoma/ Iritis ans--- Iritis
132. Oschner-Sherren regimen used in ans Appendicular Lump
Appendicular abscess
Appendicular lump
133. Certificate of vaccination of Yellow Fever is valid for ___ years ans 10
134. Which of the following is NOT symptom of defeciency vitamin A ans Polyneuropathy
Night blindness
Follicular hyperkeratosis
135. Safety muscle of Tongue ans Genioglossus
136. In visual pathway, ganglion cells are ans--- 2nd order neuron
1st order neuron
2nd order neuron
137. Mechanism of action of Telmisartan ans---- Angiotensin 2 receptor antagonist
Blocks AT1 receptors
Angiotensin 2 receptor antagonist
138. Predisposing factors for Carcinoma of penis are all except ans--- Papilloma
Pagets disease
139. Fetal adrenals predominantly secrete ans---- Cortisone
140. Which muscle helps in opening Eustachian tube ans---- Inferior Turbinate
Inferior turbinate
Superior turbinate
Middle turbinate
141. Which of the following is used in Teletherapy ans--- Cesium( Iridiu NOT used in teletherapy)
142. Calorie test activates what ans--- lateral NOT remembering exact otions but answer was this as it was being asked from old papers of MCI
143. HCG during pregnancy doubles at ans--- 60-70 days
144. Most common donor for a transplant ans--- Identical twin
Identical twin
145. Pschiatry case related to Acute Psychosis
146. Case on Medicine---- A woman has been Coronary artery disease when opened found gall stones. Earlier mo history of pain and jaundice. Treatment--- ans--- ?
147. Metoprolol is preffered over Propanolol why? ans---- Doesnot blocks alpha receptors.
Has negative cholinergic action
Has negative inotropic action
Doesnot blocks beta receptors
Doesnot blocks alpha receptors
148. Benign prostatic hypertrophy is associated with ans—Median lobe
Median lobe
Posterior lobe
Periurethral surface
149. Cushing disease seen as a Paraneoplastic syndrome in ans---- Small cell lung carcinoma
150. Gastric lavage is contraindicated in ans--- Organophosphorus Poisoning
151. Illness criteria done by ans--- APACHE
152. Lower GI bleeding most common cause in india ans--- ?
153. Which of the following is NOT a feature of megaloblastic anemia ans---- Heinz Bodies
Macro ovalocyte
Heinz bodies
154. Most common symptom for Mountain sickness ans-- Headache
155. In nephrotic syndrome what infection is more common in children ans--- ?
156. What is Neurapraxia ans--- Defect in nerve conduction only
157. What are side effects of OCP except ans--- Ovarian Tumor
Breast Carcinoma
Ovarian tumor
Liver disease
158. Sjogren's syndrome all are true except
Keratoconjuctivitis sicca
Rheumatoid arthritis
159. Peyer's patches are present in ans---- Ileum
160. Features of Diffuse axon injury options were related to hours of lost consciousness and some some more also
161. Wood's lamp is NOT used for there 2 options related to subtypes of tinea ONE of them was the answer please confirm from book
162. Best method to prevent infection in a ward ans--- Proper hand washing
163. Features of Bacterial Vaginosis except ans--- Increased lactobacillus
clue cells
Increased lactobacillus
164. Which of the following DONOT inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis ans---- Amikacin
165. Which of the following has opsonins on its surface ans---- IgG
166. Free friable soft vegetations are seen in ans--- Rheumatic Fever
Infective endocartitis
Libman sack's endocartitis
Rheumatic fever
167. Triple arthrodesis doesNOT involve ans---- Tibiotalar
168. One question related to Housemaidâ€s Knee ( Ortho ques.)
169. Pemphigoid types all are autoimmune except ans--- ?
170. Side effects of glucocorticoids are all except ans---- Hyperkalema
Proximal myopathy
171. Sudden loss of vision occurs in Diabetic Retinopathy reason ans---- Vitreous Hemorrhage
172. Tb bone disease spreads by ans--- All of the above.
Direct spread
All of the above
173. Sulfonyl urea drug mechanism of action are all except
174. Pulsus paradoxus is seen in ans--- Severe COPD
175. Rabies vaccine is prepared from which ans Fixed Virus
176. Hyponatremia is seen in all except CCF/ Nephrotic syndrome ans--- Nephrotic Syndrome
177. Which of the following is true ( Physio ques.)
178. Lens develop from ans--- Surface ectoderm
179. Chronic inflammation of Meiobian Gland is seen in
External hordeolum
Internal hordeolum
180. Crew cut hair on end appearance on skull X ray seen in ans--- Beta thalassemia
Beta thalassemia
Sickle cell anemia
181. Kussmaul's sign is NOT seen in ans Cardiac tamponade
182. Most common location of appendix ans--- Retrocaecal
183. HCG is secreted by ans--- Syncytiotrophoblast
184. What is Rhinophyoma ans--- Hypertrophy of sebaceous glands.
185. Not a screening test for Carcinoma of breast ans---- FNAC
self Examination
186. Drug NOT used in glaucoma ans--- Metoprolol
187. Sweating occurs due to ans Cholinergic Action
Cholinergic Action
Anti- cholinergic Action
188. Menstrual regulation is done upto ans 42 days of Amenorrhea
189. NOT a feature of occulomotor palsy ans--- Proptosis
190. There was a question related to Triple glass test of urine done and in first glass test there is beaded appearance seen What is diagnosis ans Urethritis
191. In a burn patient what type of fluid is given ans--- Ringer's Lactate
Normal Saline
Ringer's Lactate
ans--- Ringerâ€s Lactate
192. features seen in dengue hemorrhagic fever are all except
193. Alzehemeir's disease pathology Defeciency of cholinergic action/ Excess action of dopamine ans--- Excess action of dopamine
194. How is diagnosis of Vesicoureteral Reflux done ans--- Micturating cystourethrogram
195. Breast milk is produced from ans--- ?
196. Breast carcinoma most common type ans--- ?
197. Carrier state NOT seen in which infection
198 . Investigation of choice in Cerebral calcification ans CT Scan
199. Confirmatory test for Primary Syphilis VDRL/ TPI ans--- ?
200. Crescent air sign in CXR due to ans---ASPERGILLOSIS ( as my knowledge)
201. Furosemide mechanism of action in LVF Inhibitor of NA-K-CL ion inhibitor
202. Trendelenburg test is done in Varicose Veins
203. Iron binding protein is Ferritin/ Apoferritin ans--- Apoferritin ( as my knowledge)
204. Contents of Ringer lactate are all except NA K CL and one more.
205. There was one case of Leukemia
206. One more case for Aplastic anemia
207. Most common tumor in Oral area donot remember options as well as answer
208. One ortho question related to HOUSEMAIDâ€S KNEE ( See Q. 168)
209. Melanoma of choroid spreads most commonly where Lungs/ Kidneys/ Adrenals ans-- ?
210. Submandibular gland is NOT supplied by which nerve ans--- ?
211. Mountain sickness prophylaxis ans--- ?
212. What is Xenograft ans--- Graft done from 1 species to other species.
213. Physiological jaundice is characterized by ans--- Disappears by 3rd week of life
Appears in first 24
Peaks by some days
Disappears by 3rd week of life
214. NOT a feature of Primary complex TB ans--- Apical cavity.
Apical cavity
Ghon's focus
215. One question related to Radio immunoassay of HCG ans---- HCG detected as early as 8-9 days of ovulation.
216. Radon226 spits into all except ans---- X Rays
X rays
217. Acetazolamide decreases IOP by what mechanism Decreases aqueous humor production/ Decreases vitreous volume ans--- Decreases vitreous volume ( Plz confirm)
218. Socially acquired behavior Acculturation/ Custom ( SPM question) ans--- Custom
219. Bezold abscess seen in ans--- Sternocleidomastoid Muscle
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