This section describes the basics of a head-to-toe assessment which is a
vital aspect of a doctor while doing physical examination. It should be done each time you encounter a
patient for the first time each shift.But in general so many doctor are not doing all this head to toe examination.
Here I uploaded the videos which I found in youtube, and after seeing it I learn something,hope you can also like the video after watching it.
Greet and identify the patient. Explain what you are going to do.
Provide for privacy.
Begin with the 5 Vital Signs: Temperature, Pulse, Blood Pressure, Respiration and Pain.
Head: Shape and symmetry; condition of hair and scalp
Eyes: Conjunctiva and sclera, pupils; reactivity to light and ability to follow your finger or a light
Ears: Hearing aids, pain? Speak in a whisper: can he hear you and comprehend?
Thoracic region:
Assess lung and cardiac sounds from the front and back. Assess them for character and quality as well as for the presence or absence of appropriate sounds. Palpate the chest wall and breasts for any tenderness or lumps
Listen to bowel sounds throughout the 4 quadrants. Palpate for tenderness or lumps. Palpate the bladder. Ask about intake and output of bowels and bladder. Ask about appetite. Asses genitalia for tenderness, lumps or lesions.
Here I uploaded the videos which I found in youtube, and after seeing it I learn something,hope you can also like the video after watching it.
Head to Toe Assessment part 1
Wash your hands.Greet and identify the patient. Explain what you are going to do.
Provide for privacy.
Begin with the 5 Vital Signs: Temperature, Pulse, Blood Pressure, Respiration and Pain.
Head to Toe Assessment part 2
Eyes: Conjunctiva and sclera, pupils; reactivity to light and ability to follow your finger or a light
Ears: Hearing aids, pain? Speak in a whisper: can he hear you and comprehend?
Head to Toe Assessment part 3
Nose: Drainage, congestion, difficulty breathing, sense of smell
Throat and Mouth: Mucous membranes, any lesions, teeth or dentures, odor, swallowing, trachea, lymph nodes, tongue.
Skin:Assess the turgor, color, temperature
and moisture of the skin, scars, lesions,wounds.Head to Toe Assessment part 4
Level of Consciousness and Orientation:Is he awake and alert? Is he oriented to Person (knows his name),Place(he can tell you where he is) and Time(knows the day and date).A fourth level of orientation is Purpose(he knows why you are examining him).
Head to Toe Assessment part 5
Assess lung and cardiac sounds from the front and back. Assess them for character and quality as well as for the presence or absence of appropriate sounds. Palpate the chest wall and breasts for any tenderness or lumps
Head to Toe Assessment part 6
Listen to bowel sounds throughout the 4 quadrants. Palpate for tenderness or lumps. Palpate the bladder. Ask about intake and output of bowels and bladder. Ask about appetite. Asses genitalia for tenderness, lumps or lesions.
Extremities:Assess for temperature, capillary fill and ROM. Palpate for pulses. Note any edema, lesions, lumps or pain.
General Questions:Ask the patient how he feels. Has anything changed recently? Any pain, burning, SOB, chest pains, change in bowel or bladder habits/function, change in sleep habits, cough, discharge from any orifice, depression, sadness, or change in appetite?
Wash your hands and Document your findings and then evaluate your assessment
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