Normal PH of blood- 7.36-7.44
Longest life span for(lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes)
Normal glomerular capillary pressure(15,25,35,45 mm Hg)
Ion which is not interfered at loop of Henle(Na, K, Cl, urea)
MC Hb in adult(Hb A1, HbA2, Hb F)
Feacal mass mainly derived from(indigested food, undigested food, intestinal flora, intestinal secretions)
Nicotinic receptors are seen in all except(adrenal medulla, NMJ, bronchial smooth muscle)
Anterior Pituitary secretes (ADH, oxytocin, FSH, GnRH)
Mucin acini cells characteristic all except(peripherally placed nucleus,distinct lumen,zymogen granules,transparent)
In synaptic cleft max concn of( Na, K, Ca, protein anions)
Charecteristic for smooth muscle cells(don’t require Ca, cant do recurrent contraction, cant do sustained contraction)
All or none law is obeyed by (spike potential, post synaptic potential, )
All carried through lat spino thalamic tract except(crude touch, pressure, pain, Temperature)
Heat stimulated sweating is mediated by - parasympathetic stimulation, cholinergic mediated sympathetic activity
Hagemann factor is involved in - extrinsic pathway, intrinsic pathway, fibrinolysis, none
When aPTT is prolonged factor not affected is - XII, XI, VII,I X
Strongest effect on vagal inhibition is seen in - stomach, intestine
Plasma makes - 5% of BW, 10% of BW, 15% of BW, 20% of BW
When light falls on retinal pigment epithelium - depolarisation occurs, repolarisation occurs, spike potential is generated
Maximum number of sodium channels per square inch is present in - dendrites, axonal body, schwann cells, myelin sheath
The cilia present in the inner ear moves - when perilymph moves, when moving person suddenly stops, when head is rotated
Erythropoietin is secreted by - extraglomerular mesangial cells, interstitial cells of kidney, macula densa, renal tubular epithelial cells
Maximum absorption of Na, K, Cl in proximal convoluted tubule occurs due to the effect of - angiotensin II, aldosterone
Role of cholesterol in cell wall - fluidity, hydrophobicity, thickness
Major contribution to plasma osmalality - Na, K, Cl, Mg
Mean Arterial Pressure is - arithmetic mean of sysolic and diastolic pressures, diastolic + 1/3rd of systolic, diastolic +1/3(SP-DP)
Which of the following is true - vital capacity increases in elderly, functional residual capacity accounts for 75% of total lung capacity
True about Iron absorption is – decreases following gastrojejunostomy, absorbed in distal ileum, decreases following jejunoileal resection
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