. Tinel’s sign is seen in (nerve regeneration, degeneration, both, none)
. Thrombophlebitis seen in ( Buerger’s dse, Reynauld’s dse, AV fistula)
. GERD is predisposed by( Smoking, Achalasia, Trunkal vagectomy, All)
. Not premalignant( Condyloma lata, Bowen’s dse, Balanopostitis)
. Uvula vesicae is caused by(ant lobe, post lobe, medial lobe of Prostate)
. In Carpel tunnel syndrome,the nerve involved is – Median Nerve
. MCC of hepatic abscess in India( amoebic absess, infected haematoma, ascending infection, secondary to cholelithiasis)
. Multiple lytic lesions in all bones of a child of 14 years. Dx( Histiocytosis X, Neuroblastoma, Osteosarcoma, 2ory from Wilm’s Tr)
. Dumbing syn is charec by all except(Hyperglycemia, numbness & giddiness)
. Not a complication of Crohn”s dse( Sclerosing cholangitis, granuloma, fistula, stricture)
. Hirshprung’s Dse MC involves (recto sigmoidal jn, Rectum, colon )
. Hirshprung’s Dse Dx by – Rectal Biopsy
. Thimble bladder is seen in - TB
. Mass 15 cm away from anal orifice .Rx( Colonoscopic removal, hartman’s operation, ant resection, abd-peroneal resection)
. Sister Joseph Nodules are seen at – Umbilicus
. Spigelian hernia is- hernia of arcuate line
. Pott’s puffy Tr is - OSTEOMYELITIS of skull bone
. Grey Turner sign in – Acute pancreatitis
. Acute pancreatitis cause all except(induce fat necrosis, hypercalcemia, increased amylase)
. Amylase is increased in all except( A/c appendicitis, A/c pancreatitis, duodenal perforation, intestinal obstrn)
. Rx of paralytic ileus include all except(Parasympathomimetics, NG aspiration, IVF, Electrolyte correction)
. Painful tender & non reducable sac through inguinal canal with absent cough reflex.Dx- Strangulation
. MC organ ruptured in blunt trauma of abdomen- spleen
. Bornhalm’s sign seen in – AV fistula
. Dse with least flow(Intravisceral fistula, visceral hemangioma, portal vein shunt)
. Stones are MC seen in which salivary gland- sub mandibular
. Major amount of unstimulated salivary secretion by(Parotids,submandibular, sublingual, small lingual glands)
. MC mode of spread to cervical LN in TB( Haematogenous, lymphogenic, contact)
. MC mode of spread of Gall Bladder Ca- (Transcoelomic, lymphogenic, hematogenic, Direct extension)
. Chronic cholecystitis is assd with all except( usually palpable, MC in women, Assd wiyh GB stones, Rokitansky cells)
. MC type of Basal cell Ca- Nodular
. LN involved in Breast Ca except( Pre tracheal, ant axillary, parasternal, supraclavicular)
. Sted collar abscess seen in (TB, Syphilis, Actinomycoses)
. Which cannot be considered as a solitary noduleof thyroid(adenoma, carcinoma, physiological goiter, cyst)
. In neck dissection above omohyoid we are removing(I,II,III level LN)
An appendicular stump is likely to heal if
a) when appendicualr perforation occurs early
b) when perforation occurs late
c) particularly in non obstructive appendicitis
d) When antibiotics are withheld
. Thrombophlebitis seen in ( Buerger’s dse, Reynauld’s dse, AV fistula)
. GERD is predisposed by( Smoking, Achalasia, Trunkal vagectomy, All)
. Not premalignant( Condyloma lata, Bowen’s dse, Balanopostitis)
. Uvula vesicae is caused by(ant lobe, post lobe, medial lobe of Prostate)
. In Carpel tunnel syndrome,the nerve involved is – Median Nerve
. MCC of hepatic abscess in India( amoebic absess, infected haematoma, ascending infection, secondary to cholelithiasis)
. Multiple lytic lesions in all bones of a child of 14 years. Dx( Histiocytosis X, Neuroblastoma, Osteosarcoma, 2ory from Wilm’s Tr)
. Dumbing syn is charec by all except(Hyperglycemia, numbness & giddiness)
. Not a complication of Crohn”s dse( Sclerosing cholangitis, granuloma, fistula, stricture)
. Hirshprung’s Dse MC involves (recto sigmoidal jn, Rectum, colon )
. Hirshprung’s Dse Dx by – Rectal Biopsy
. Thimble bladder is seen in - TB
. Mass 15 cm away from anal orifice .Rx( Colonoscopic removal, hartman’s operation, ant resection, abd-peroneal resection)
. Sister Joseph Nodules are seen at – Umbilicus
. Spigelian hernia is- hernia of arcuate line
. Pott’s puffy Tr is - OSTEOMYELITIS of skull bone
. Grey Turner sign in – Acute pancreatitis
. Acute pancreatitis cause all except(induce fat necrosis, hypercalcemia, increased amylase)
. Amylase is increased in all except( A/c appendicitis, A/c pancreatitis, duodenal perforation, intestinal obstrn)
. Rx of paralytic ileus include all except(Parasympathomimetics, NG aspiration, IVF, Electrolyte correction)
. Painful tender & non reducable sac through inguinal canal with absent cough reflex.Dx- Strangulation
. MC organ ruptured in blunt trauma of abdomen- spleen
. Bornhalm’s sign seen in – AV fistula
. Dse with least flow(Intravisceral fistula, visceral hemangioma, portal vein shunt)
. Stones are MC seen in which salivary gland- sub mandibular
. Major amount of unstimulated salivary secretion by(Parotids,submandibular, sublingual, small lingual glands)
. MC mode of spread to cervical LN in TB( Haematogenous, lymphogenic, contact)
. MC mode of spread of Gall Bladder Ca- (Transcoelomic, lymphogenic, hematogenic, Direct extension)
. Chronic cholecystitis is assd with all except( usually palpable, MC in women, Assd wiyh GB stones, Rokitansky cells)
. MC type of Basal cell Ca- Nodular
. LN involved in Breast Ca except( Pre tracheal, ant axillary, parasternal, supraclavicular)
. Sted collar abscess seen in (TB, Syphilis, Actinomycoses)
. Which cannot be considered as a solitary noduleof thyroid(adenoma, carcinoma, physiological goiter, cyst)
. In neck dissection above omohyoid we are removing(I,II,III level LN)
An appendicular stump is likely to heal if
a) when appendicualr perforation occurs early
b) when perforation occurs late
c) particularly in non obstructive appendicitis
d) When antibiotics are withheld
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