what is menomettrorrhagia?
a) heavy bleeding + intermenstural bleeding
b)duration of menstural cycle is increased.
c)polymennorrhea +metrorraghia
d) oligomennorrhea + polymennorhea
All the following are contraindications to TCRE except
a)young women
b)enlarged uterus, fibroid
c)endometrial carcinoma
d)premenopausal women
All the following test are done to diagnose premature rupture of membranes except
a) nitrazine test
b)fern test
c)alpha feto protein test
d) absent fibronectin
Most common site of metastasis of choriocarcinoma
a) brain
all the following are criteria for giving methotrexate in unruptured ectopic except
a) HCG< 10,000 Miu/ml
b)absent cardiac activity
c)size of gestational sac is not more than 4.5 cm
d) actinomycin D can be used.
all are features of macrosomic baby except
a) weight > 4 kg on USG
b)abdominal circumference >95th % for that gestational age on USG
c)cause of shoulder dystocia
d) can be a feature of DOPE
Most common cause of secondary amennorrhea is
a) pregnancy
b) tuberculosis
c) thyrotoxicosis
d) none of the above
about polymennorrhea which of the following statement is wrong?
a) OCP`s for 3 cycles help
b) PID is important cause
c) proliferative phase is shortened
d) D&C is curative.
drug of choice for hypertension in pregnancy
a) hydralazine
b) ACE inhibitors
c) Labetalol
d) beta agonist
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